In fact the antichrist sits right in front
of you and you can not see him(remember Baruh Levi) ... came a while and nobody
sees. Sometimes the Old Testament personify an entire nation in only one person,so when God tells Moses to say to Pharaoh in 4 Exodus :
Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ' Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son,
23 and I say to you, "Let my son go that he may serve me."
refers to all the people of Israel .
... as and when St. Paul says in 2
2:3 Give no belief to false words: because there will be a falling away first from the faith, and the revelation of the man of sin, the son of destruction,
2:4 Who puts himself against all authority, lifting himself up over all which is named God or is given worship; so that he takes his seat in the Temple of God, putting himself forward as God.
... Another option:
3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness [Some manuscripts sin] is revealed, the son of destruction, [Greek, the son of perdition (a Hebrew idiom)] (first of rebellion 1789)
4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.
... It refers to the same thing.
About how one believes himself a God ,to see Antiochus Epiphanes and the Maccabees and Isaiah with Sennacherib.
One problem that did not understand a lot of people is that in Israel there are two natures or there are two Israel: one agitated and combative and the other quiet and listener. Eg. Genesis 32.24-32 when Jacob gets the first name change he is fighting God.At Genesis 35.1-15 he is obedient to God,which tell him again ,the second time, that will be called Israel.So, one Israel is struggling with God and the second Israel is the one who sees the face of God but hear, listen and do what God says to.
2:3 Give no belief to false words: because there will be a falling away first from the faith, and the revelation of the man of sin, the son of destruction,
2:4 Who puts himself against all authority, lifting himself up over all which is named God or is given worship; so that he takes his seat in the Temple of God, putting himself forward as God.
... Another option:
3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness [Some manuscripts sin] is revealed, the son of destruction, [Greek, the son of perdition (a Hebrew idiom)] (first of rebellion 1789)
4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.
... It refers to the same thing.
About how one believes himself a God ,to see Antiochus Epiphanes and the Maccabees and Isaiah with Sennacherib.
One problem that did not understand a lot of people is that in Israel there are two natures or there are two Israel: one agitated and combative and the other quiet and listener. Eg. Genesis 32.24-32 when Jacob gets the first name change he is fighting God.At Genesis 35.1-15 he is obedient to God,which tell him again ,the second time, that will be called Israel.So, one Israel is struggling with God and the second Israel is the one who sees the face of God but hear, listen and do what God says to.
PS- Since 1948, when the new Israel came
to life ,we saw literally the saying of Isaiah 48.22 :
There is no peace , saith the Lord , for those without the law!
However the law of Moses puts all Jews who do not observe,abide, the whole law under curse,anathema.I am curious if now in these days , or the last 2,000 years until now , what Jew could keep the law of Moses ... or at least a little bit of it !
There is no peace , saith the Lord , for those without the law!
However the law of Moses puts all Jews who do not observe,abide, the whole law under curse,anathema.I am curious if now in these days , or the last 2,000 years until now , what Jew could keep the law of Moses ... or at least a little bit of it !
fapt antihristul sta chiar in fata
voastra si nu il vedeti(a se vedea afirmatia lui Baruh Levi din1928)...a aparut
de ceva vreme si nimeni nu il vede. Vechiul Testament personifica cateodata un
popor intreg intr-o singura persoana , de aceea Dumnezeu cand ii spune lui
Moise sa ii zica lui Faraon in Iesire 4:
22. Dar tu sa zici lui Faraon: Asa zice Domnul
Dumnezeul Evreilor: Israel este fiul Meu,
intai-nascutul Meu.
23. Iti zic dar: Lasa pe fiul Meu sa Mi se inchine”. se refera la tot poporul lui Israel
23. Iti zic dar: Lasa pe fiul Meu sa Mi se inchine”. se refera la tot poporul lui Israel
fel si cand Sf.Pavel spune la 2 Tesaloniceni:
Sa nu va amageasca nimeni, cu nici un chip; caci ziua Domnului nu va sosi pana
ce mai intai nu va veni lepadarea de credinta(a se citi cel lepadat de credinta)si nu se va da pe fata omul
nelegiuirii, fiul pierzarii,
4. Potrivnicul, care se inalta mai presus de tot ce se numeste Dumnezeu, sau se cinsteste cu inchinare, asa incat sa se aseze el in templul lui Dumnezeu, dandu-se pe sine drept dumnezeu.
4. Potrivnicul, care se inalta mai presus de tot ce se numeste Dumnezeu, sau se cinsteste cu inchinare, asa incat sa se aseze el in templul lui Dumnezeu, dandu-se pe sine drept dumnezeu.
se refera la acelasi lucru.
cum se crede cineva Dumnezeu vedeti la Macabei despre Antioh Epifan si la Isaia
cu Sanherib.
problema pe care nu a inteles-o multa lume este faptul ca in Israel sunt doua
firi:una agitata si bataioasa iar cealalta linistita si ascultatoare.De exemplu
la Facerea 32,24-32 cand Iacov primeste prima schimbare de nume el se lupta cu
Dumnezeu.La Facerea 35,1-15 el este ascultator fata de Dumnezeu si i se spune
inca o data,a doua oara,ca se va numi Israel.Deci unul este Israel care se
lupta cu Dumnezeu iar cel de al doilea Israel este cel care vede fata lui
Dumnezeu dar asculta cea ce ii zice Dumnezeu.
De la 1948 de cand cu noul Israel
s-a vazut ,la propriu,zicerea lui Isaia 48,22 :
este pace ,zice Domnul,pentru cei fara de lege!
legea lui Moise ii pune pe toti evreii care nu respecta toata legea sub blestem.As fi curios ,oare acum in zilele astea
,sau de 2000 de ani incoace,ce evreu a mai putut respecta legea lui Moise
...sau macar care parte din ea !!!
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